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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ex Cons Need Jobs Too but Crooks Should be Put on Blast

Just the other day when I was riding the train (Green Line ) on my way to class my somewhat pleasant journey was interrupted by a passenger who came off as a typical CTA panhandler like Clarence Ervin  that's the guy who was arrested over 158 times and usually did his thing on the GreenLine but something about this guy seemed different. Buddy just interrupted everybody's flow when he opened his mouth and declared that he was an ex convict with a large family and needs a job to support his family. He then whipped out a laminated Illinois Department of Corrections Inmate   photo and proceeded to express how seriously he needed a job, he mentioned that he passed out a stack of resumes and had some to pass out. He also mentioned that he didn't want to  resort to robbing and stealing and all the criminal behavior he did in the past in to make ends meet. I felt sorry for the guy  even though deep in my heart I thought his ass was a crook, I was hoping that I was wrong. So I handed him a buck and took a copy of his resume. For the rest of the ride I pondered what could I do to help this man and many others in this situation so I decided to post his resume in hope that someone could help him out.

 I know how  hard it is to find a job with a clean record and a college degree so I could only imagine how hard  it is for ex convicts. Later on that evening I saw the exact same guy on Youtube with the exact same pitch and the footage was taken over a year ago!

Of course I felt a little ripped off at first, but he did make me think about a serious issue.One of the many reasons why certain crimes are committed is because frustrated ex cons, in need of legitimate jobs with sustainable wages, often resort to the same criminal acts that landed them in the "joint" in the first place. Not only does this cycle devastate families but it ruins communities as well. In conclusion, ex cons needs jobs too but crooks should be put on blast. Here are some links that could help guide ex offenders with gaining legitimate employment.


Phoenix said...

I totally agree..i have a friend that has a record and eventhough he has served his time its still hard for him to get a job because of his record..what are people supposed to do..go back to doing what they did to get locked up??? Good Point!!!

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